The College in High School Alliance (CHSA) and the Data Quality Campaign (DQC) are excited to release a new report entitled College in High School Programs & Data: Reporting and Using Dual Enrollment Data to Improve Equity.
College in high school programs—such as dual enrollment, concurrent enrollment, and early college high school—provide significant benefits to students, including increased rates of college access and success.
To support increased college access and success for students through dual enrollment, states, school districts, and colleges must collect, publicly report, and use data on participation and success in these opportunities.
The paper is designed to help states - as well as colleges and school districts - understand what data on dual enrollment access and success they should collect and report, and how that data can be used to close equity gaps and improve student outcomes. The report provides examples of existing state dual enrollment reporting mechanisms and how they are being used to close equity gaps.
The report includes:
Why reporting of dual enrollment data by states matters,
The primary approaches to reporting dual enrollment data,
How to improve dual enrollment data reporting,
Profiles of six states’ progress (Colorado, Hawaii, Indiana, Louisiana, Kentucky, and Washington), and
A compilation of all state-level dual enrollment data reporting.
Launch Webinar - November 2, 2021
On November 2, 2021 CHSA and DQC hosted a webinar with state leaders to discuss the report and its findings.