Category : Federal Policy

From Fragmented to Focused: Intentional Dual Enrollment and The Federal Role in Maximizing Student Experiences

An Advance CTE/JFF/CHSA Co-Publication June 2024 College in high school opportunities are a critical component of high-quality pathways that prepare young people for the good jobs of today and tomorrow by supporting learners’ journeys into and through postsecondary education and into the workforce. Simply offering dual enrollment courses that provide high school learners with access […]

The Next Phase of Dual Enrollment Policy

The Next Phase of Dual Enrollment Policy: A Vision for the Field November 2023 After two decades of significant growth in the number of high school students taking college courses, dual enrollment policy work has entered a new phase. The first phase of dual enrollment was characterized by proving the concept, getting a research base […]

Federal Playbook

Federal Playbook September 2023 In recent years, states, school districts, and institutions of higher education have been looking to expand access to college course taking for high school students through college in high school programs like dual enrollment and early college. These entities have been increasingly considering the federal policy and funding options available to […]

Pell Experiment

Department of Education Experimental Site for Dual Enrollment In May, 2016 the US Department of Education (USED) announced that it was inviting 44 institutions of higher education to participate in an experiment whereby low-income students enrolled in dual enrollment courses at those colleges would have the ability to apply for and use Pell grants to […]

Higher Education Act

College in High School Alliance Policy Recommendations for the Biden-Harris Administration HIGH EDUCATION ACT The Higher Education Act (HEA) was last reauthorized in 2008. The current version of the law includes an allowable use for dual or concurrent enrollment programs under the GEAR-UP programs, but that is the only current opportunity available for colleges seeking federal support […]