The College in High School Alliance and the National Governors Association Select Six States and DC for College in High School Policy Workshop

The College in High School Alliance (CHSA) and the National Governors Association (NGA) are excited to announce the selection of six state teams – Alabama, Connecticut, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nevada, and Vermont – to attend a workshop focused on state-level College in High School policy on March 25-26, 2020. In addition, a team from the District of Columbia will be participating in the workshop as observers.

This workshop will help states build the capacity of their college in high school programs, which include dual enrollment, concurrent enrollment, and early college high school, to expand equitable access and ensuring high quality. Attending states will receive in-depth technical assistance from nationally recognized policy experts, using the recently released Unlocking Potential: A State Policy Roadmap for Equity and Quality in College in High School Programs as a framework. In addition, states will have the opportunity to collaborate with teams from other states. Following the workshop, CHSA and NGA will release a joint guide on lessons learned to help inform the work being undertaken in states across the country.

“Governors play an important role in advancing good policy for college in high school programs, such as dual enrollment and early college,” said Lexi Barrett, Associate Vice President at JFF, which is a member of the CHSA steering committee. “The College in High School Alliance is excited to partner with the National Governors Association and bring together representatives from governors’ offices, K-12, and postsecondary education from six states and the District of Columbia. Together, we will explore how to move forward on policy that ensures equitable access to high-quality, college in high school programs.”

“NGA is looking forward to working with the College in High School Alliance on this project,” said Timothy Blute, Interim Director at the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices. “Governors have a unique capability to convene the state-level stakeholders needed to ensure all students have equitable access to dual and concurrent enrollment programs. I’m very excited that we’ll be working with the Alliance to bring this opportunity for technical assistance to our membership.”

About CHSA

The College in High School Alliance (CHSA) is a coalition of leading national and state organizations that works towards a future in which every state, and the federal government, has a policy framework that ensures that student access, participation and success in college in high school programs accurately reflects the geographic, demographic, and economic make-up of the nation’s high school students.

About NGA

Founded in 1908, the National Governors Association is the voice of the nation’s governors and one of the most respected public policy organizations in the country. The association’s members are the governors of the 55 states, territories and commonwealths. Members come to the association from across the political spectrum, but NGA itself is boldly bipartisan. Because of that, governors can share best practices, speak with an informed voice on national policy and develop innovative solutions that improve citizens’ lives through state government and support the principles of federalism.


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