College in High School Alliance Announces Formation of Ambassadors Network of Diverse Voices to Counsel Its Work on Equity and Quality for College in High School Programs

The College in High School Alliance (CHSA)is excited to announce the launch of the CHSA Ambassadors Network, an advisory panel of practitioners, policymakers, and experts from the wider dual enrollment, concurrent enrollment, and early college high school community.

The CHSA Steering Committee carefully selected 15 stakeholders from the college in high school program community to help collaborate to make a positive impact on policies and to build broad support for programs that enable high school students to enroll in affordable college pathways leading to postsecondary degrees and credentials.

These ambassadors, intentionally drawn from different sectors of the work, regions of the country, K-12, higher education, career and technical education, and recent student alumni, will help guide CHSA’s work, particularly as it focuses on closing equity gaps and ensuring high quality for participation in these programs.

CHSA is excited to welcome to its work:

  • Mattie Adams-Robertson, Principal Coach, Middle College National Consortium

  • Dr. Shasta Buchanan, Associate Vice President of College and High School Relations, Austin Community College, TX

  • Dr. Stacy Edds-Ellis, Dean of Academic Affairs, Owensboro Community and Technical College, KY

  • Dr. Julie Garver, Director of Policy & Academic Affairs, Washington Council of Presidents

  • Dr. Michael Giazzoni, Director, College in High School, University of Pittsburgh, PA

  • Oliver Martinez-Reyes, Student, University of Denver, CO

  • Socrates R. Ortiz, Jr., Principal, Middle College High School at LaGuardia Community College, NY

  • Dennis Parman, CEO of Montana Rural Educators Association (MREA)

  • Mark Peevy, Assistant Commissioner for Secondary Education, Technical College System of Georgia

  • Verenisse Ponce Soria, Student, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC

  • John Pulver, Associate Director, Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Administrators

  • Dr. Jason Taylor, Assistant Professor, Higher Education, University of Utah, UT

  • Tammy Ward, Director of Concurrent Enrollment Initiatives, Colorado Community College System CO

  • Michael Werner, Post-Secondary Planning Coordinator for Mounds View Public Schools, MN

  • Katie Young, Teacher, Mott Middle College, MI

“We are thrilled that fifteen talented, diverse stakeholders from across the country will be joining us in our work,” said Amy Williams, Executive Director of the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships and a member of the Steering Committee of the College in High School Alliance. “Our ambassadors have powerful stories to tell about the value of college in high school programs, and we look forward to drawing upon their significant expertise as our work forges ahead.”

“I am pleased to have been invited to join the College in High School Alliance’s Ambassador Network,” said Dr. Julie Garver, Director of Policy & Academic Affairs, Washington Council of Presidents. “The state of Washington has made student-centered policy strides in recent years with an eye towards closing achievement gaps, and I am excited to help contribute to national conversations about these important issues.”

“We’ve seen in Georgia firsthand the power and promise of college in high school programs like dual enrollment, but also many of the challenges,” said Mark Peevy, Assistant Commissioner for Secondary Education at the Technical College System of Georgia. “I am honored to have been selected as a CHSA Ambassador to help share what we’ve learned in our state, and help shape policy to make these programs more accessible to all students.”

“Dual enrollment and early college high school have been topics of academic interest for some time, and recent evidence suggests that these programs have both strengths and limitations,” said Dr. Jason Taylor, Assistant Professor, Higher Education, University of Utah, UT. “I look forward to serving as a CHSA ambassador and sharing the research perspective to ensure these evolving policy conversations are evidence-based and research-informed.”

“College in high school programs work, but as they are expanded across the country it is important that policymakers remain focused on closing equity gaps and maintaining high quality,” said Michael Werner, Post-Secondary Planning Coordinator for Mounds View Public Schools, MN. “I am excited to be a CHSA Ambassador and to elevate Minnesota’s recent efforts to expand the pool of qualified instructors for these programs to other states sharing similar challenges.”

“At Owensboro Community and Technical College, we understand the importance of leveraging policy to help encourage more low income and underrepresented students to participate in college in high school programs,” said Dr. Stacy Edds-Ellis, Dean of Academic Affairs for Owensboro Community and Technical College, KY. “In 2016, Owensboro was announced as one of the participating institutions in the Department of Education’s experimental site for dual enrollment. I am pleased to serve as a CHSA Ambassador to share what we have learned about reaching these important and underserved student populations.”

CHSA’s core belief is that strengthening and expanding college in high school programs will enhance secondary education and significantly improve college access, affordability, and completion for all students. This belief is backed by numerous studies that demonstrate the significant benefits to students of high-quality college in high school programs. In addition, research demonstrates that college in high school programs are most effective when they serve students who are low-income, underrepresented in higher education, or at risk of not completing postsecondary education.

About the College in High School Alliance

The College in High School Alliance (CHSA)is a coalition of 75 national and state organizations collaborating to positively impact policies and build broad support for programs that enable high school students to enroll in authentic, affordable college pathways toward postsecondary degrees and credentials offered with appropriate support. CHSA’s core belief, backed by numerous studies that demonstrate the significant benefits to students, is that strengthening and expanding college in high school programs will improve secondary education and significantly increase college access, affordability, and completion for all students, particularly those who are low-income, underrepresented in higher education or at risk of not completing postsecondary education.

Members of the College in High School Alliance adhere to the following principles:

  • EQUITY- Access to college in high school programs should be available to students regardless of their race, family income status, or their geography.

  • QUALITY- College in high school programs should be high quality, providing authentic and intentionally designed college course experiences to students facilitated by a core partnership between K12 and institutions of higher education.

  • STUDENT SUCCESS- Programs should be designed with student achievement for all at their core, including providing the support services necessary to encourage success in college and career for students at-risk of not completing postsecondary education.


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